Upgrading your life during COVID? Stop yourself.
Franky, I’m exhausted and a little confused.
I am no Pollyanna, but I am guilty of thinking this new world order we have found ourselves in might have given us time to pause and reflect on all the time we collectively waste on keeping busy. Perhaps, we could take the cue and slow down just a little bit…? You know, focus on the stuff that matters.
But just as I start hearing birds sing and feel the sunshine warm my face …. I find myself scrolling in disbelief at all the ways I am sadly mistaken.
It would seem that COVID-19 is not a time to step off the proverbial rat-race and simplify or go easy on ourselves. Apparently, now is the time that we mercilessly take advantage of this detour to grab the superchargers that will presumably see us streak ahead of all those other losers when the race gets back to full speed. Mwaaahahaha!
Lost…? Me too, my friend. Here’s why:
I am working from home, running my own business. I am also full-time parenting. I am home-schooling. I am home pre-schooling. I am being a supportive wife, the funnest (albeit a little snippier than usual) mother on the planet (thanks Bluey for raising that bar), a non-stop snack bar attendant, an undervalued never-is-my-work-done-here home cleaner, and all round compliant member of my corona-conscious community.
It ain’t pretty. It’s not easy. And it sure as hell isn’t sexy. But I am one of thousands, millions, living the same day-to-day right now.
BUT according to my social media feeds, it would seem this paltry effort is not enough. If I’m picking up what the cool kids are putting down… I should also be a switched-on recession-fighting business machine ‘pivoting’ my way to new levels of success. I should be sitting my laptop on a stack of books, lighting my face with an O-ring lamp and wearing something casual but not too lounge-y on my Zoom meeting to nail that devastatingly ‘I’m sorry I’m a mess but I always look this hot’ appearance. I should be educating without tears and crafting and baking with my children like I belong inside House & Garden. I should be cooking incredibly photogenic and nutritious meals that are comforting but low on the double muffin-top factor to show my family I care about them and nourish them through this difficult time. I should be using all this extra time I have in my day to become my best self – exercise more, step up my yoga game and really practice self-care. Better yet, I should take up a new hobby or start studying to finally get a jump on that career of my dreams.
Honestly, people! CEASE & DESIST. IMMEDIATELY.
Doing more, looking better, being better, trying harder… I cannot.
And I truly wish I could unsee all the well-intentioned advice from those determined to keep their busy on and turn this frown upside down in the most insta-worthy way.
I understand I am living a life of privilege. Others find themselves in genuinely difficult and distressing times, without a job, with more time on their hands and perhaps at a loose-ends. But I can hand-on-heart say, I am getting up, I am trying, and I am loving my people hard. And for now, the simplicity of that intention (regardless of the chaos of the reality) is all the upgrade life needs.
Who’s with me?