
Our story

Our story is essentially a tale of two friends, both searching for meaning in what they do.

Having worked with organisations and businesses with varying degrees of heart, we have learned enough about ourselves to know that we thrive when doing a good job for people who care.

For us, it’s about finding the right client fit and working with clients that are making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

Our mission is simple: to work mindfully, with an open heart and an eye on ethics; and to work with people and organisations that share the same commitment.

MEET Frank & Earnest

With more than 30 years combined experience, we are communications professionals who earned our stripes working with a range of clients in both the public and private sectors.

Ours is a tried and true working relationship and we’re told we make a dynamic duo – but don’t worry; we stop short of wearing our underpants on the outside!

Belinda Benson (aka FRANK) Chief of Ideas

Typically coming at things from a different angle, Belinda trained in psychology before embarking on a diverse career in marketing and communications.

At her best when peeling back the layers of an issue, Belinda has that rare ability to see through BS and uncover that kernel of truth that defines exactly what makes a product or service great. She is then equally adept at putting the parts back together and all too easily excited by crafting a killer message or bringing a creative idea to life.

Belinda is a communications all-rounder with 15 years’ experience in client-side and agency-based marketing and public relations. She has worked with clients in a broad range of sectors in Australia and the UK, including higher education, vocational education and training, recruitment, environment, local and state government, tourism, technology, quality assurance, property development and urban planning.

Before Frank & Earnest Belinda worked locally with TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Charles Sturt University, Murrumbidgee CMA, Lachlan CMA, Riverina Water, Wagga Wagga Tourism and RDA Riverina.

Peita Vincent (aka EARNEST) Chief of People

A natural leader and thorough communications professional, Peita has worked across media, marketing and publicity for 18 years.

Peita’s love affair with the written word began early in life and has served her well in a career spanning journalism, editing, advertising, philanthropy and B2B marketing.

Peita seeks out challenges and strives to find elegant solutions. Very much a ‘big picture’ person, Peita enjoys seeing how organisations can be greater than the sum of their parts and is at her best when working in close collaboration with clients to bring stories to life.  

With years of experience managing teams, projects and budgets across media, higher education and retail sectors, you can see why she is a triple threat – she can crack a yarn, crack the whip and crack a funny (sometimes in the same meeting).

"Frank & Earnest has found depth in our stories that we could only imagine. The care and empathy they show when delving into our stakeholders’ often personal stories is magnificent. This, combined with their care for our organisation, has allowed us to forge priceless stakeholder relationships that we will reap rewards from for many years to come." GAEL EVANS-BARR, Manager, Alumni and Foundation Relations, Charles Sturt University